Rigol HPLC Modules L-3500 UV-VIS Detector

Product Description

Rigol HPLC Modules L-3500 UV-VIS Detector

L-3500 UV-Vis Detector uses a unique high-speed signal processing technology, a unique light path design and a patented circuit and structure design to achieve ultra-high sampling rates of 100Hz with a wider linearity range and higher signal to noise ratio.

Features Rigol HPLC Modules L-3500 UV-VIS Detector :

100Hz Sampling Rate

Even the peaks sharper than 5s can be truly and accurately detected with excellent separation resolution

Wider linearity Range

The detector keeps excellent linearity up to 2.5 AU absorbance

Ultra-low Noise

Patented optical structure design ensures excellent signal to noise ratio

Wavelength Time Procedure

Wavelength time program function makes possible different wavelength for different target during a run possible

Unique Design

The flow cell adopt modular design, it could be taken off by only 2 screws removing, very easy to maintenance

Patented Technologies

Strong R & D team and industry-leading technical strength, all products are self-developed, with a number of patented technologies

Specification Rigol HPLC Modules L-3500 UV-VIS Detector :

Wavelength range 190-800 nm
Lamp Deuterium lamp, Tungsten lamp
Spectral width 8 nm
Wavelength accuracy ±1 nm
Wavelength precision 0.2 nm


Rigol HPLC Modules L-3500 UV-VIS Detector –  Catalog


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