Tzone TempU07B Humidity Temperature Data Logger

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Tzone TempU07B Humidity Temperature Data Logger

TempU07B is a simple and portable LCD screen temperature and humidity data logger
Mainly used to monitor and record the temperature and humidity data during transportation and storage.
Widely used in all aspects of the warehousing and logistics cold chain, such as refrigerated containers, refrigerated trucks, refrigerated distribution boxes, and cold storage laboratories.

Product Description

Tzone TempU07B Humidity Temperature Data Logger

Digunakan untuk memantau dan merekam data suhu dan kelembaban selama transportasi dan penyimpanan.
Banyak digunakan dalam semua aspek pergudangan dan logistik, seperti wadah berpendingin, truk berpendingin, kotak distribusi berpendingin, dan Laboratorium penyimpanan dingin. Ideal untuk pergudangan, logistik, ekspedisi, transportasi bahan makanan, obat-obatan, bahan kimia, cold storage , laboratorium, dll.


  • Measuring Range Humidity 0%~100%RH, Temp -40℃~85℃
  • Accuracy +3%(10%~90%).±5%(other;+0.3℃(0~60℃0.6(other)
  • Resolution 0.1%RH typically, 0.1℃
  • Data Capacity 34560
  • Usage Multiple
  • Mode Button or Timed
  • Recording interval configurable (10 seconds to 99 hours)
  • Delay configurable (0~ 72 hours)
  • Alarm Range configurable
  • Alarm Type Single type, Cumulative type
  • Alarm Delay configurable (10 seconds to 99 hours)
  • Form of Report PDFand CSV data report
  • Interface USB2.0
  • Protection Level IP65
  • Product Size 100mm x 43mm x 12mm
  • Product Weight 85g
  • Battery Lifetime More than 2years (Normal temp 25℃)

SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA adalah  distributor dan Supplier Tzone TempU07B  di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual BRAND Tzone dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini KMT , JSI, SGM atau hubungi kami melalui Whatsapp  0821-3010-0456. atau melalui email [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected].

Dalam pengiriman produk yang pelanggan beli, sebelumnya sudah kami periksa untuk memastikan produk dalam keadaan baik dan siap kirim.

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