Lohand LH-Z10A Portable Turbidity Meter

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Lohand LH-Z10A Portable Turbidity Meter

Penganalisis kekeruhan/padatan tersuspensi total portabel menggabungkan metode cahaya hamburan dan metode cahaya terpancar, dan menggunakan sumber cahaya inframerah dekat untuk menghilangkan interferensi kromatisitas. Dua detektor, 90° dan 180°, dipasang di instrumen. Detektor 180° menerima cahaya terpancar dan detektor 90° menerima cahaya hamburan. Ukur rasio intensitas cahaya hamburan dan cahaya terpancar, dan hitung konsentrasi padatan tersuspensi dan kekeruhan dalam sampel.
  • The light source advantage:It adopts near-infrared LED light source with little chroma interference, which conforms to IS07027 standard.
  • Professional testing:Imported polymer turbidity calibration solution, non-toxic and safe. Built-in lens, filter, high-precision optical path structure, accurate and stable measurement results.
  • Waterproof seal: The waterproof design of the USB interface and IP65 protection level are suitable for field applications.
  • Multi-power mode: Supports power management, USB data cable can be charged and used for lithium battery charging.
  • HD LCD screen: OLED full color display with clear data display and high contrast.
  • Beautiful and durable appearance: 5 touch buttons, acrylic protection panel, long service life.

Product Description

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light source advantage:It adopts near-infrared LED light source with little chroma interference, which conforms to IS07027 standard.
Professional testing:Imported polymer turbidity calibration solution, non-toxic and safe. Built-in lens, filter, high-precision optical path structure, accurate and stable measurement results.Waterproof seal:The waterproof design of the USB interface and IP65 protection level are suitable for field applications.Multi-power mode:Supports power management, USB data cable can be charged and used for lithium battery charging.
HD LCD screen:OLED full color display with clear data display and high contrast.Beautiful and durable appearance:5 touch buttons, acrylic protection panel, long service life.

Features Lohand LH-Z10A Portable Turbidity Meter

  • The light source advantage:It adopts near-infrared LED light source with little chroma interference, which conforms to IS07027 standard.
  • Professional testing:Imported polymer turbidity calibration solution, non-toxic and safe. Built-in lens, filter, high-precision optical path structure, accurate and stable measurement results.
  • Waterproof seal: The waterproof design of the USB interface and IP65 protection level are suitable for field applications.
  • Multi-power mode: Supports power management, USB data cable can be charged and used for lithium battery charging.
  • HD LCD screen: OLED full color display with clear data display and high contrast.
  • Beautiful and durable appearance: 5 touch buttons, acrylic protection panel, long service life.

Specification Lohand LH-Z10A Portable Turbidity Meter : 

Tempat Asal Zhejiang, Tiongkok
Nama Merek Lohand
Jangkauan Kekeruhan 0~20NTU;

Kekeruhan 0~1000NTU

Kesalahan indikasi ±0.1NTU atau ±5%NTU (Kekeruhan 0-20NTU)

±0,3NTU atau ±8%NTU (Kekeruhan 0-1000NTU)

Kemampuan mengulang  

±0,1NTU@<10NTU;≤±1%@≥10NTU(Kekeruhan 0-20NTU)

≤±0,1NTU@<10NTU;≤±1%@≥10NTU(Kekeruhan 0-1000NTU)

Kalibrasi Kalibrasi 4 poin

(larutan kalibrasi opsional) kekeruhan;

Tidak ada penyimpangan ≤±0,1NTU
Suhu kerja 5 – 40℃
Suhu penyimpanan -10 – 55℃
Kelembaban Kelembapan Rendah (RH) 0-80%
Kekuatan Baterai lithium (baterai kering opsional)
Kelas IP Tingkat IP65
Ukuran Ukuran 170*72*44mm
Berat 290 gram


Lohand LH-Z10A   Datasheet

CV. SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA   adalah distributor dan Supplier Lohand LH-Z10A Portable Turbidity Meter di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual Brand Lohand  dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini  di sini KMT,SGI,SGM atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456. atau via email [email protected], [email protected] & [email protected]


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