Kitagawa AP-20 Gas Aspirating Pump Kit

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Kitagawa AP-20 Gas Aspirating Pump Kit

Pompa Pengambilan Sampel AP-20 kini tersedia dalam empat warna berbeda (biru, merah, hijau, dan kuning). Semuanya dirancang dengan Pegangan Antibakteri berkontur sama, Pemotong Ujung Tabung Terpadu, dan Indikator Aliran Akhir.
● Dirancang secara ergonomis. Pegangan berkontur lembut mencegah tergelincir. Pegangan mudah ditarik. Bahan antibakteri. ● Yang dibutuhkan hanya satu gerakan pompa. Desain tipe piston secara akurat dan dapat direproduksi mengambil sampel sebanyak 100 cc. ● Indikator Penyelesaian Sampel™ muncul saat pengambilan sampel telah selesai. ● Ujung tabung detektor dapat dipotong dengan mudah dan aman menggunakan pemotong ujung keramik. Penutup pada pemotong ujung mencegah pecahan kaca berhamburan hingga saat yang tepat untuk membuangnya. Gas Sampler / Gas Aspirating Brand : Kitagawa Type : AP-20B Blue [Standard] Cat Number : 8-5661-01 Origin : Japan

Product Description

Kitagawa AP-20 Gas Aspirating Pump Kit

AP-20 Sampling Pump is now available in four different colors (blue, red, green and yellow). All are designed with the same contoured Antibacterial Grip, Integral Tube Tip Cutter and Flow Finish Indicator.

  • Ergonomically designed. Soft contoured grip prevents slipping.Easy to pull handle. Antibacterial material.
  • A single pump stroke is all that’s needed. The piston-type design accurately and reproducibly draws a 100 cc sample.
  • Sample Finish Indicator™ pops up when sampling is completed.
  • Ends of detector tubes are easily and safely cut with the ceramic tip cutter. A cover on the tip cutter prevents the scattering of glass shards until it is convenient to discard them.
  • No power source is required making it truly portable for all applications.
  • Rugged construction for even the harshest of environments.
  • Patents and Certificates:
    • ISO 9001 and ISO14001 Certified
    • United States Design Patent No. US D467, 334 S
    • Certificate of Design Registration in Japan No.1131898

Features Kitagawa AP-20 Gas Aspirating Pump Kit : 

These Small, light products are convenient to carry.
Equipped with the flow monitor to show the completion of suction at a glance.
Provided with the ceramic cutter.
Model number: AP-20B (vacuum method)
Kitagawa type
Package size:270×135×65 mm 550 g

Gas Sampler / Gas Aspirating
Brand : Kitagawa
Type : AP-20B Blue [Standard]
Cat Number : 8-5661-01
Origin : Japan

Kitagawa AP-20 Datasheet 

CV. SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA   adalah distributor dan Supplier Kitagawa AP-20 di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual Brand Kitagawa  dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini KMT,SGI,SGM atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456. atau via email [email protected], [email protected] & [email protected]


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