Milwaukee MI413 Free & Total Chlorine Meter

Milwaukee MI413 Free & Total Chlorine Meter Milwaukee provides a range of chlorine photometers for all applications: swimming pool treatments, household cleaners, dishwasher additives, laundry powders/liquids and cooling water treatment products all contain chlorine as an oxidizing biocide. Drinking water contains residual chlorine to maintain water purity throughout the supply lines. Milwaukee offer the Mi413 […]
Milwaukee MI415 PRO Portable Turbidity Meter

Milwaukee MI415 PRO Portable Turbidity Meter LAB GRADE, EASY TO USE, HIGH PERFORMANCE. Milwaukee MI415 PRO Turbidity Meter is for users demanding fast, reliable, repeatable results with ease of use. DESCRIPTION The Milwaukee MI415 PRO Turbidity features easy 3 point FNU calibration. The calibration points are 0, 10 and 500 FNU (Formazine Neophelmetric Unit). Calibration […]
Milwaukee Mi405 Ammonia Meter

Milwaukee Mi405 Pengukur Amoniak Milwaukee Mi405 adalah fotometer untuk mengukur kadar amonia (rentang sedang). Fotometer yang mudah digunakan ini akan memberi Anda pembacaan langsung dalam mg/L. Deteksi amonia dalam sistem pengolahan air sangat penting bagi pemilik akuarium dan operator peternakan ikan. Amonia sangat larut dalam air dan sangat beracun bagi ikan. Pemilik tambak ikan harus […]
Milwaukee Mi412 Phosphate Meter

Milwaukee Mi412 Phosphate Meter The Milwaukee Mi412 is a phosphate (low range) user-friendly colorimeter providing direct readings in mg/L. Phosphates are present in natural waters and at concentrations typically found, do not pose any specific health threats to humans. However, excessive contamination of water courses from agricultural fertilizer run off or wastewater/effluent discharge can promote […]
Milwaukee MW100 Portable pH Meter

Milwaukee MW100 Portable pH Meter The Milwaukee MW100 performs pH measurements with a 0.1 pH resolution. The MW100 is very durable and easy to use, and consistently provides quick and accurate measurements. This portable meter is suitable for a wide range of applications, such as education, agriculture and horticulture, as well as water and environmental […]
Milwaukee Mi408 Iron Photometer

Milwaukee Mi408 Iron Photometer Milwaukee MI408 PRO Photometer adalah untuk pengguna yang menuntut hasil yang cepat, andal, berulang dengan kemudahan penggunaan. Deskripsi Milwaukee Mi408 Iron Photometer Milwaukee MI408 PRO Photometer menampilkan kalibrasi titik nol manual dan pengoperasian cepat dalam desain yang kokoh. Milwaukee PRO Fotometer sangat ideal untuk pengguna di akuakultur, akuarium, lingkungan, pendingin air […]
Milwaukee pH56 pH & Temperature Meter

Milwaukee pH56 pH & Temperature Meter The Milwaukee PH56 is a waterproof pH tester (using the IP67). The PH56 includes a large, dual-level LCD that displays pH and temperature (°C or °F). The large display shows readings in an extended range from -2.00 to 16.00 pH (with a 0.01 pH resolution), and simultaneously shows temperature […]
Milwaukee MW102 Portable pH and Temperature Meter

Milwaukee MW102 Portable pH and Temperature Meter The MW102 is a microprocessor-based pH/temperature meter with extended range (-2.00 to 16.00 pH), automatic temperature compensation, automatic calibration in 2 points and ±0.02 pH accuracy. The MW102 is very durable and easy to use, and consistently provides quick and accurate measurements. This portable meter is suitable for […]
Milwaukee MW500 Portable ORP Meter

Milwaukee MW500 Portable ORP Meter The MW500 performs ORP measurements with a range of ±1000 mV via the SE-300 platinum electrode. Milwaukee’s low cost durable meters for quick and reliable measurements. The MW500 is very durable and easy to use, and consistently provides quick and accurate measurements. This portable meter is suitable for a wide […]
Milwaukee pH55 Pen type pH Meter

Milwaukee pH55 Pen type pH Meter The Milwaukee Waterproof pH55 PRO pH/Temp. Tester is one of our most accurate cost effective, well rounded, rugged and reliable testers in the market featuring dual level LCD readouts, easily replaceable probe and extended pH ranges to meet almost any application. It’s simple 1 or 2 point automatic calibration […]