AllaFrance 95000-017 Hand Held refractometer Protein

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AllaFrance 95000-017 Hand Held refractometer Protein

Sangat mudah digunakan: teteskan satu tetes sampel pada prisma dan segera baca hasilnya pada timbangan. Setiap refraktometer dikalibrasi untuk pengukuran pada suhu 20°C (68°F), memiliki fokus yang dapat disesuaikan, pembacaan skala yang jelas, dan dapat dikalibrasi dengan sekrup. Model dengan Kompensasi Suhu Otomatis (ATC) antara +10 dan +30°C cocok untuk aplikasi di mana suhu sampel sangat bervariasi. Semua model tersedia dalam kotak, beserta kain, obeng, pipet, wadah saku, dan petunjuk penggunaan.
  • range : 1.000-1.050 / 0-12
  • unit : Sp. Gr. / g/dl
  • div. : 0.002 / 0.2
  • refractive index : 1.333-1.360

Product Description

AllaFrance 95000-017 Hand Held refractometer Protein

Product Photos

95000-017 95000-017 95000-017 Hand Held Refractometer - French Cooking

Very simple to use: place one drop of your sample on the prism and read the result on the scale immediately. Each refractometer is calibrated for measurements at 20°C (68°F), has the adjustable focus, a clear reading of the scale, and can be calibrated by screw. Models with Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) between +10 and + 30°C are suitable for applications where the temperature of the samples vary greatly. All models are provided in box, with cloth, screwdriver, pipette, pocket case and instructions for use.

Specification AllaFrance 95000-017 Hand Held refractometer Protein : 

  • range : 1.000-1.050 / 0-12
  • unit : Sp. Gr. / g/dl
  • div. : 0.002 / 0.2
  • refractive index : 1.333-1.360
  • Refractometer to measure the serum proteins and urine
  • With automatic temperature compensation (ATC)

AllaFrance 95000-017  Datasheet 

CV. SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA   adalah distributor dan Supplier AllaFrance 95000-017 di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual Brand BANTE  dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini KMT,SGI,SGM atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456. atau via email [email protected], [email protected] & [email protected]


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