ANDiS FAST SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR Detection Kit

Product Description

ANDiS FAST SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR Detection Kit

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Sebuah reagen untuk mendeteksi Gen yang ideal untuk digunakan di laboratorium adalah ANDiS FAST SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR Detection Kit ini  adalah pilihan yang sangat tepat untuk di laboratorium. Instrumen ini bisa diandalkan dalam proses mendeteksi gen Orf1ab, N dan E virus SARS-Cov-2, LoD-nya 200 copy/mL.

Features ANDiS FAST SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR Detection Kit

is intended to detect the Orf1ab, N and E genes of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, the LoD is 200 copies/mL. The RT-qPCR reaction takes about 30min when selecting the “fast mode” on ABI QuantStudio 5.

Easy Operation

  • This kit uses the human RNaseP gene as the internal control(IC), therefore eliminates one pipetting step during sample preparation. Also,the endogenous IC is suitable for monitoring the entire workflow from sampling to detection.

Fast Detection

  • The assay is a one-step real-time RT-qPCR that has been specially optimized to take only around 30mins when selecting the“fast mode” on ABI QuantStudio5. The turn around time for the entire workflow would be as short as 1 hour.

High Accuracy

  • Clinical evaluation of 236 specimens demonstrated that,the positive percent agreement(PPA) is 99.18% and the negative percent agreement(NPA) is 100%. In addition, the validated limit of detection(LoD) is 200 copies/mL.

Wide Compatibility

  • The kit has been validated on a broad range of common instruments, including the ABI7500, QuantStudio5, Bio-Rad CFX96 Deep Well, and Bioer QuantGene 9600. The 20μL reaction volume is readily adaptable to 384-well format.

Specifications ANDiS FAST SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR Detection Kit

Target Regions ORF1ab, N and E gene
Detection Technology One-step real-time RT-qPCR
Fluorescent Channel FAM, ROX, VIC, CY5
Limit of Detection 200 copies/mL
PCR Runtime 30~50minutes on common qPCR instruments
Reaction Volume 20μL(10μL Master Mix+ 10μL RNA)
Compatible Instruments(validated) ABI QuantStudio 5; ABI 7500; Bio-Rad CFX96 Deep Well; Bioer QuantGene 9600,etc.


ANDiS FAST SARS-CoV-2  –  Catalog

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