Atago PAL-1 Refractometer

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Atago PAL-1 Refractometer

is a tool that can be used to measure a refractive index and this tool is also equipped with a wide measurement range (Brix 0.0 to 53.0%) PAL-1 works perfectly for measuring almost all fruit juices, foods and drinks, such as soup , sauce, ketchup, ketchup, low sugar jam, or marmalade. Flexible measuring media, so that it will be easier for a user to use it.
  • Light & Compact, 100g
  • Ergonomically designed for one-handed operation
  • Sample size 2-3drops
  • High temperature sample can be measured
  • Revolutionary new feature ELI (External Light Interference)
  • Calibrate with water only
  • Convenient Storage case
  • The sample stage is designed to keep sample solutions from spilling out
  • Protection class is IP65

Product Description

Atago PAL-1 Refractometer

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merupakan alat yang dapat digunakan untuk pengukuran sebuah indeks bias dan alat ini juga dilengkapi dengan jangkauan pengukuran lebar (Brix 0,0 sampai 53,0%) PAL-1 bekerja dengan sempurna untuk mengukur hampir semua jus buah, makanan, maupun minuman, seperti sup, saus, saus tomat, saus tomat, selai gula rendah, atau selai jeruk. Media pengukur yang fleksibel, sehingga seorang pengguna akan lebih mudah menggunakannya.

Features Atago PAL-1 Refractometer :

  • It is equipped with an LCD screen display
  • Easy to hold gauge
  • Included in the category of tools that are easy to use
  • Has a flexible and compact shape
  • Measurements with high accuracy values


Specification Atago PAL-1 Refractometer :

1 Model PAL-1
2 Cat.No. 3810
3 Skala Brix
4 Jarak pengukuran Brix: 0,0 sampai 53,0%
Suhu: 10,0 sampai 100 ° C
5 Resolusi Brix: 0,1%
Suhu: 0,1 ゚ C
6 Pengukuran Akurasi Brix: ± 0,2%
Suhu: ± 1 ゚ C
7 Kisaran kompensasi suhu 10 sampai 100 ゚ C
(Automatic Temperature Compensation)
8 Suhu Ambient 10 sampai 40 ゚ C
9 Keluaran NFC Forum Type 4 Tag
ISO / IEC 14443 Tipe A
10 Jumlah maksimum riwayat data 100
11 Item keluaran Tanggal Waktu, Brix [%], Temp [degC]
12 Contoh Volume 0.3mL
13 Waktu Pengukuran 3 detik
14 Sumber Daya listrik 2 x baterai alkaline AAA
15 Daya tahan baterai Kira-kira. 11.000 kali pengukuran
(saat baterai alkaline digunakan)
16 Kelas Perlindungan Internasional IP65 Debu-ketat dan Dilindungi terhadap air jet.
17 Dimensi & Berat 55 (W) × 31 (D) × 109 (H) mm, 100g (hanya Unit Utama)


3d file PDF icon illustration 22597332 PNGAtago PAL-1 – Datasheet

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