Atago PAL-2 Refractometer

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Atago PAL-2 Refractometer

The Atago PAL-2 Refractometer is a measuring instrument designed by the ATAGO brand which has the function of measuring concentration levels with a Brix measurement range of 45.0 – 93.0%. The Atago PAL-2 Refractometer is often used by scientists or researchers. And measuring media is very useful because it can show accurate and precise results. When boiling jam or marmalade is measured, the PAL-2 provides good measurement values ​​when the measurement is repeated several times. This meter is equipped with a digital screen display, making it easier to read the measurement results.
  • Prism is made of highly durable optical glass to prevent scratching
  • Automatic temperature compensation (ATC)
  • Metal sample stage allows the sample temperature to conform quickly and evenly to the prism temperature for accurate measurements
  • Sample size is just 2-3 drops
  • Measurement time is just 3 seconds
  • Calibrate with water, no more standard solutions
  • Can be cleaned under running water
  • IP65 water resistant
  • Large, easy-to-read LCD
  • Ergonomically designed for one-handed operation

Product Description

Atago PAL-2 Refractometer

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Atago PAL-2 Refractometer adalah sebuah alat ukur yang dirancang oleh brand ATAGO yang memiliki fungsi untuk melakukan pengukuran suatu kadar konsentrasi dengan rentang pengukuran brix 45,0 – 93,0%.

Atago PAL-2 Refractometer ini sering dipakai oleh ilmuan atau peneliti. Dan media pengukur sangat bermanfaat karena dapat melihatkan hasil yang akurat dan tepat. Ketika selai atau selai mendidih diukur, PAL-2 memberikan nilai pengukuran yang baik saat pengukuran diulang beberapa kali. Pengukur ini dilengkapi dengan tampilan layar digital, sehingga akan mempermudah dalam proses pembacaan hasil dari pengukuran.

Features Atago PAL-2 Refractometer :

  • There is an LCD screen display
  • Measurement process with very high accuracy
  • Includes a measuring device that is quite easy to use
  • Includes a gauge that is also easy to carry
  • Tools made from light materials

Spesifikasi Atago PAL-2 Refractometer :

1 Model PAL-2
2 Cat.No. 3820
3 Skala Brix
4 Jarak pengukuran Brix: 45,0 sampai 93,0%
Suhu: 10,0 sampai 100 ° C
5 Resolusi Brix: 0,1%
Suhu: 0,1 ゚ C
6 Pengukuran Akurasi Brix: ± 0,2%
Suhu: ± 1 ゚ C
7 Kisaran kompensasi suhu 10 sampai 100 ゚ C
(Automatic Temperature Compensation)
8 Suhu Ambient 10 sampai 40 ゚ C
9 Contoh Volume 0.3mL
10 Waktu Pengukuran 3 detik
11 Sumber Daya listrik 2 x baterai alkaline AAA
12 Daya tahan baterai Kira-kira. 11.000 kali pengukuran
(saat baterai alkaline digunakan)
13 Kelas Perlindungan Internasional IP65 Debu-ketat dan Dilindungi terhadap air jet.
14 Dimensi & Berat 55 (W) × 31 (D) × 109 (H) mm, 100g (hanya Unit Utama)


3d file PDF icon illustration 22597332 PNGAtago PAL-2 – Datasheet

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