Bante A130 Laboratory pH/Ion Meter Benchtop

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Bante A130 Laboratory pH/Ion Meter Benchtop

Pengukur pH/ion laboratorium presisi tinggi dengan 5 metode pengukuran konsentrasi ion dan mode pengukuran kesadahan air, menu pengaturan berisi 18 opsi, akurasi: 0,002 pH.
  • Kompensasi suhu otomatis memastikan pembacaan yang akurat di seluruh rentang.
  • Fungsi baca otomatis mendeteksi dan mengunci titik akhir pengukuran.
  • Pembacaan interval waktu mengirimkan data pengukuran ke PC atau printer.
  • Alarm batas secara otomatis memberi peringatan saat pengukuran melampaui rentang yang ditentukan.
  • Alarm kalibrasi mengingatkan pengguna untuk mengkalibrasi meter secara teratur.
  •  Log kalibrasi menunjukkan tanggal, waktu, titik kalibrasi, offset dan kemiringan pH.

Product Description

Bante A130 Laboratory pH/Ion Meter Benchtop

High-precision laboratory pH/ion meter with 5 ion concentration measurement methods and the water hardness measurement mode, setup menu contains 18 options, accuracy: 0.002 pH.

pH Mode:
• High-precision laboratory pH/ion meter is equipped with a 7 inch TFT display.
• 1 to 5 points calibration with automatic recognition for USA, NIST and DIN buffers.
• Solution temperature coefficient compensates for pure water measurements and references
the pH to 25°C.

ORP Mode:
• 1 point offset calibration allows adjusting the displayed value to a known standard.
• Relative and absolute millivolt modes ensure the reliable ORP measurements.

A130 Laboratory pH/Ion Meter | Bante Instruments

Ion Concentration Mode:
• 2 to 5 points calibration, including the selection of 8 concentration points.
• Electrode management can store and recall up to 3 electrode parameters.
• Selectable ion measurement methods (direct reading, known addition, known subtraction,
sample addition, sample subtraction) and concentration units (ppm, mg/L, mol/L, mmol/L).

Water Hardness Mode:
• 2 to 5 points calibration from low to high concentrations.
• Selectable measurement units (german degree, english degree, french degree, mmol/L and
mg/L) are used for professional water hardness measurements.

Features Bante A130 Laboratory pH/Ion Meter Benchtop : 

  • Automatic temperature compensation ensures accurate readings over the entire range.
  • Auto-read function senses and locks the measurement endpoint.
  • Timed interval readings send measurement data to a PC or printer.
  • Limit alarm automatically alerts when measurements exceed the specified range.
  •  Calibration due alarm reminds user to calibrate the meter regularly.
  • Calibration log shows the date, time, calibration points, offset and pH slope.
  • Password protection prevents unauthorized calibration and settings.
  •  Expanded memory stores or recalls up to 1000 data sets.
  • Reset function automatically restores all settings to the factory defaults.

Specification Bante A130 Laboratory pH/Ion Meter Benchtop : 

 Model A130
   Range -2.000 to 20.000 pH
   Resolution 0.001 / 0.01 pH, selectable
   Accuracy ±0.002 pH
   Calibration 1 to 5 points
   pH Buffer Options USA / NIST / DIN / 5 custom buffers
   Range -2000.0 to 2000.0 mV
   Resolution 0.1 mV
   Accuracy ±0.2 mV
   Calibration 1 point
   Measurement Modes Relative / Absolute mV
   Ion Concentration
   Range 0.001 to 30000 (depending on the range of ISE)
   Resolution 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, automatic
   Accuracy ±0.5% F.S. (monovalent), ±1% F.S. (divalent)
   Calibration 2 to 5 points
   Calibration Solutions 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 / 1 / 10 / 100 / 1000 / 10000
   Measurement Units ppm, mg/L, mol/L, mmol/L
   Measurement Methods Direct reading, known addition, known subtraction,
sample addition, sample subtraction
   Electrode Management 1 to 3
   Water Hardness
   Range (Concentration) 0.05 to 200 mmol/L
   Range (German Degree) 0 to 1120°dH
   Range (English Degree) 0 to 1404°e
   Range (French Degree) 0 to 2000°fH
   Range (Ca²⁺) 0 to 8000 mg/L
   Range (CaCO₃) 0 to 19999 mg/L
   Range (CaO) 0 to 11200 mg/L
   Resolution 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, automatic
   Accuracy ±1% F.S.
   Calibration 2 to 5 points
   Calibration Solutions 0.01 / 0.1 / 1 / 10 / 100 mmol/L
   Range 0 to 105°C / 32 to 221°F
   Resolution 0.1°C/°F
   Accuracy ±0.5°C / ±0.9°F
   Calibration 1 point
   Calibration Range Reading ±10°C/°F

Bante A130 Datasheet

CV. SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA   adalah distributor dan Supplier Bante A130 di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual Brand Bante  dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini KMT,SGI,SGM atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456. atau via email [email protected], [email protected] & [email protected]


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