Durometer Shore D LXDD

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Durometer Shore D LXDD

LX-D hardness tester is suitable for hardness test of high degree of hardness material, such as common hard rubber, hardened resin, acryl, plexiglas, thermos plastic rubber, printing plate, fibre. The product conforms to HG/2489
  • Shore-A type-flat probe, suitable for low and medium hardness materials such as rubber and synthetic rubber.
  • Shore-C type-round probe, suitable for low hardness materials such as foam and sponge.
  • Shore-D type-point probe is suitable for hard rubber, hard plastic, glass and other high hardness materials.
  • Spring conduction improves stability
  • Liquid crystal display, using LED liquid crystal display to read clearly.

Product Description

Durometer Shore D LXDD

Durometer Shore D kualitas baik, bisa pakai stand

Alat ukur kekerasan skala shore. Biasa disebut Durometer Hardness Tester

Ada 3 jenis :
Shore A untuk mengukur material yang tidak keras seperti karet, kulit dan wax.
Shore C untuk mengukur foam, sponge
Shore D untuk mengukur material yang lebih keras seperti ebonite, resin keras, akrilik, kaca, piringan cetak dan fiber


  • Shore-A type-flat probe, suitable for low and medium hardness materials such as rubber and synthetic rubber.
  • Shore-C type-round probe, suitable for low hardness materials such as foam and sponge.
  • Shore-D type-point probe is suitable for hard rubber, hard plastic, glass and other high hardness materials.
  • Spring conduction improves stability
  • Liquid crystal display, using LED liquid crystal display to read clearly.

Technical Data:

  •  Measuring range: 0-100HD
  •  Recommended measurement range: 10-90HD
  •  Outline dimension: 115x60x25mm
  •  Pressure needle range: 2.5mm
  •  End pressure of pressure head: SR0.1mm

SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA adalah  distributor dan Supplier Durometer Shore D LXDD  di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual Durometer dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini KMT , JSI, SGM atau hubungi kami melalui Whatsapp  0821-3010-0456. atau melalui email [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected].

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