DYMO LabelWriter 450 Direct Thermal Label Printer

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Dymo Label Printer 450 for Brookfield Viscometer

Solusi paling efisien untuk kebutuhan pelabelan, pengarsipan, dan pengiriman surat profesional Anda, LabelWriter ® 450 menghemat waktu dan uang Anda di kantor. Hubungkan LabelWriter ® 450 ke PC atau Mac ® * dan Anda siap mencetak label langsung dari Microsoft ® Word atau Outlook ® , QuickBooks ® , CardScan ® , Mac ® Address Book, dan program populer lainnya. Cetak alamat yang mengesankan, label folder file, lencana nama, dan banyak lagi tanpa pekerjaan ekstra dan kerepotan mencetak label lembar pada printer desktop standar. Teknologi pencetakan termal menghilangkan biaya tinta atau toner dan desain printer yang ringkas menjadikannya tambahan yang mudah dan menarik untuk ruang kerja modern mana pun. SYARIFTAMA GROUP adalah Distributor Viscotester di Indonesia.

Product Description

DYMO LabelWriter 450 Direct Thermal Label Printer

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Most efficient solution for your professional labeling, filing and mailing needs, the LabelWriter ® 450 saves you time and money at the office. Connect a LabelWriter ® 450 to your PC or Mac ® * and you™re ready to print labels directly from Microsoft ® Word or Outlook ® , QuickBooks ® , CardScan ® , Mac ® Address Book and other popular programs. Print impressive address, file folder labels, name badges and more without the extra work and hassle of printing sheet labels on a standard desktop printer. Thermal printing technology eliminates the cost of ink or toner and the printer™s compact design makes it an easy and attractive addition to any modern workspace

Features DYMO LabelWriter 450 Direct Thermal Label Printer : 

  • ELIMINATE THE WASTE AND HASSLE OF SHEET LABELS: The LabelWriter® 450 prints precise quantities without difficulty
  • NEVER BUY INK AGAIN: Direct Thermal printing technology eliminates the cost of ink and toner
  • SPEEDY LABELING: Use the included DYMO software to quickly create and print address, file folder and barcode labels—up to 51 labels per minute
  • EASILY CUSTOMIZE AND PRINT LABELS: Create labels directly from text in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and Google Contacts™
  • USE WITH AUTHENTIC DYMO LABELS: For best performance, use DYMO LabelWriter® Labels in a variety of sizes

Specification DYMO LabelWriter 450 Direct Thermal Label Printer : 

  • Item #1752264
  • Dimensions:4 ⅞” x 5 ¾” x 7 ¼”
  • Color:Black
  • Software Compatibility:Compatible with DYMO Connect for Desktop with Windows and Mac
  • Label Compatibility:LabelWriter
Best For
Mailing and Shipping Mailing and Shipping
Create shipping and mailing labels.
Asset Tracking Asset TrackingBarcode labels help track inventory and assets.
Nametag NametagCreate nametags in seconds.
Specialty SpecialtyMulti-use labels provide product information and organizational solutions.
Pricetag PricetagPricetags provide up-to-date product information.

DYMO LabelWriter 450 Datasheet 

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