Extech 445713 Big Digit Indoor/Outdoor Hygro-Thermometer

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Extech 445713 Big Digit Indoor/Outdoor Hygro-Thermometer

imultaneous display of Temperature and Humidity The Big Digit Hygro-Thermometer simultaneously displays indoor and outdoor Temperature and Humidity. Measures Humidity from 10 to 99% RH and Temperature from 14 to 140°F or -10 to 60°C. Accuracy is ±5%RH and ±1.8°F/±1°C. A Max/Min with reset function stores and recalls high and low measurements for all 4 parameters. ● Max/Min with reset function ● Humidity: 10 to 99% RH ● Temperature: 14 to 140°F or -10 to 60°C ● Accuracy: ±5%RH; ±1.8°F, ±1°C ● Complete with built-in stand, wall mounting bracket, outdoor sensor with 35 in. (89cm) cable, and 1.5-Volt AAA battery.

Product Description

Extech 445713 Big Digit Indoor/Outdoor Hygro-Thermometer

Menampilkan Suhu dan Kelembaban secara bersamaan

Extech Indoor/Out Digital Hygrometer 14 To 140 F Temperature & Humidity ( 445713) - Mo & Joe Electronics

Extech 445713 indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity meter - USA - YouTube

Extech 445713 Big Digit Indoor/Outdoor Hygro-Thermometer | Batter Fly

Higro-Termometer Digit Besar menampilkan Suhu dan Kelembapan dalam dan luar ruangan secara bersamaan. Mengukur Kelembapan dari 10 hingga 99% RH dan Suhu dari 14 hingga 140°F atau -10 hingga 60°C. Akurasi ±5%RH dan ±1,8°F/±1°C. Maksimum/Minimum dengan fungsi reset menyimpan dan mengingat pengukuran tinggi dan rendah untuk semua 4 parameter. Dilengkapi dengan dudukan bawaan, braket pemasangan di dinding, sensor luar ruangan dengan kabel 35 inci (89 cm), dan baterai AAA 1,5 Volt.

Fitur Extech 445713 Big Digit Indoor/Outdoor Hygro-Thermometer :

  • Maks/Min dengan fungsi reset
  • Kelembapan: 10 hingga 99% RH
  • Suhu: 14 hingga 140°F atau -10 hingga 60°C
  • Akurasi: ±5%RH; ±1.8°F, ±1°C

Spesifikasi Extech 445713 Big Digit Indoor/Outdoor Hygro-Thermometer :

Specifications Range Accuracy
Temperature -10 to 60°C ±1.0°C within -10°C to 50°C
+ 1.0°C within -10°C to 50°C ±1.8°F within 14°F to 122°F
Humidity 10% to 99% ±5% RH within 25% to 85% RH (@ 73°F/23°C)
Battery 1.5V ‘AAA’ cell



Extech 445713 Datasheet

CV. SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA   adalah distributor dan Supplier Extech 445713 Big Digit Indoor/Outdoor Hygro-Thermometer di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual Brand EXTECH diantaranya Extech VB450, Extech SD900, Extech MO260, Extech MO57, Extech 3000A, Extech MN35, Extech PRC30, Extech RD200, Extech RF40, Extech RH35, Extech RF153, Extech RPM33, Extech RHT35, Extech SD500, Extech LT45, Extech FL700, Extech EX900, Extech DT500 dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini  di sini KMT, SGI,  SGM atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456. atau via email [email protected], [email protected] & [email protected]

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