Extech EC510 Waterproof ExStik

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Extech EC510 Waterproof ExStik

Extech EC510 is a conductivity test tool. Kit includes EC500 meter, 3 calibration standards, 3 bags of pH buffer plus rinse solution, 3 glasses, batteries and carrying case. Measures 5 parameters including conductivity, TDS, salinity, pH and temperature using one electrode. Analog bar graphs show trends. Memory stores up to 25 labeled readings. Adjustable conductivity with TDS ratio from 0.4 to 1.0; 0.5 fixed Salinity ratio.
  • Kit includes: EC500 meter, 3 calibration standards, 3 bags of pH buffer plus rinse solution, 3 glasses, batteries and carrying case
  • Measures 5 parameters including Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH, and Temperature using one electrode
  • 9 units of measurement: pH, µS/cm, mS/cm, ppm, ppt, mg/L, g/L, °C, °F
  • Analog bar graphs show trends

Product Description

Extech EC510 Waterproof ExStik

Combination of flat surface pH electrode with cell autoranging High accuracy conductivity

Extech EC510 is a conductivity test tool. Kit includes EC500 meter, 3 calibration standards, 3 bags of pH buffer plus rinse solution, 3 glasses, batteries and carrying case. Measures 5 parameters including conductivity, TDS, salinity, pH and temperature using one electrode. Analog bar graphs show trends. Memory stores up to 25 labeled readings. Adjustable conductivity with TDS ratio from 0.4 to 1.0; 0.5 fixed Salinity ratio.

Features Extech EC510 Waterproof ExStik :

  • Kit includes: EC500 meter, 3 calibration standards, 3 bags of pH buffer plus rinse solution, 3 glasses, batteries and carrying case
  • Measures 5 parameters including Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH, and Temperature using one electrode
  • 9 units of measurement: pH, µS/cm, mS/cm, ppm, ppt, mg/L, g/L, °C, °F
  • Analog bar graphs show trends
  • Memory stores up to 25 labeled readings
  • Adjustable conductivity with TDS ratio from 0.4 to 1.0; 0.5 fixed Salinity ratio
  • The RENEW feature notifies the user when the electrode needs to be replaced

Specification Extech EC510 Waterproof ExStik :

Specifications Range
pH 0.00 to 14.00pH
Conductivity 0 to 199.9µS, 200 to 1999µS, 2.00 to 19.99mS
TDS/Salinity/Fluoride TDS/Salinity: 0 to 99.9ppm (mg/L), 100 to 999ppm (mg/L), 1.00 to 9.99ppt (g/L)
Temperature 23° to 194°F (-5 to 90°C)
Max. Resolution 0.1µS, 0.1ppm (mg/L), 0.01pH, 0.1°F/°C
Basic Accuracy ±2%FS, ±0.01pH, ±1.8°F/1°C
Dimensions 1.4×6.8×1.6″ (35.6×172.7×40.6mm)
Weight 3.8oz (110g)



  Extech EC510 Datasheet 

CV. SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA   adalah distributor dan Supplier Extech EC510 Waterproof ExStik di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual Brand EXTECH diantaranya Extech VB450, Extech SD900, Extech MO260, Extech MO57, Extech 3000A, Extech MN35, Extech PRC30, Extech RD200, Extech RF40, Extech RH35, Extech RF153, Extech RPM33, Extech RHT35, Extech SD500, Extech LT45, Extech FL700, Extech EX900, Extech DT500 dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini  di sini KMT, SGI,  SGM atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456. atau via email javasurveyindo@gmail.com, sales.syariftama@gmail.com & karyamandiritechindo@gmail.com


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