Lodestar LS-3005 Digital Function Generator 5MHZ

Lodestar LS-3005 Digital Function Generator 5MHZ

The LODESTAR LS3005 is a digital function generator with a 5MHz frequency capability,. This device is used for generating various electronic waveforms and signals, commonly used in testing and measurement applications.
  • Frequency characters Range: 0.5Hz to 5MHz, 6 ranges. Waveforms: Sine, square, triangle, pulse, ramp
  • Output characters Level: 20V p-p open circuit, 10V p-p into 50 ohm. Impedance: 50 ohm +/-10%. DC offset: Variable: +/-10V open circuit, +/-5V into 50 ohm.
  • Sinewave Distortion: less than 2% at 1KHz. Flatness: < 0.3dB for 5Hz to 500KHz; ≤ 1dB 500KHz - 5MHz.
  • Squarewave Risetime: ≤ 50ns. Symmetry: ≤ +/-3%, 2Hz to 100KHz.
  • Triangle: Linearity.

Product Description

Lodestar LS-3005 Digital Function Generator 5MHZ

The LODESTAR LS3005 is a digital function generator with a 5MHz frequency capability,. This device is used for generating various electronic waveforms and signals, commonly used in testing and measurement applications.

 LS3005 (5MHz)

  • Frequency characters
    Range: 0.5Hz to 5MHz, 6 ranges.
    Waveforms: Sine, square, triangle, pulse, ramp
  • Output characters
    Level: 20V p-p open circuit, 10V p-p into 50 ohm.
    Impedance: 50 ohm +/-10%.
    DC offset: Variable: +/-10V open circuit, +/-5V into 50 ohm.
  • Sinewave
    Distortion: less than 2% at 1KHz.
    Flatness: < 0.3dB for 5Hz to 500KHz; ≤ 1dB 500KHz – 5MHz.
  • Squarewave
    Risetime: ≤ 50ns.
    Symmetry: ≤ +/-3%, 2Hz to 100KHz.
  • Triangle: Linearity.


Ilustrasi ikon PDF file 3d 22597324 PNGLodestar LS-3005  – Lembar Data

SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA adalah  distributor dan Supplier Lodestar LS-3005 Digital Function Generator 5MHZ di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual BRAND Lodestar dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini KMT , JSI, SGM atau hubungi kami melalui Whatsapp  0821-3010-0456. atau melalui email [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected].

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