Lutron PVB-820 Pen Vibration Meter

Product Description

Lutron PVB-820 Pen Vibration Meter

PVB-820 pen-type vibration meter, lightweight and easily portable. The machine comes with a highly accurate smart sensor and a large LCD screen that is easy to read. With IP65 standard

Vibration Meters  can be used for many different types of work. For example, in one company, vibration meters can be used in many departments, such as the safety department to measure vibration to indicate Strength of building structures, maintenance department to prevent machine breakdowns, QC department to control product quality, etc.

Pen Vibration Meter
Model : PVB-820

  • Function : Acceleration, Velocity.
  • Acceleration : 200 m/s2, 20.00 G.
  • Velocity : 200 mm/s, 20.00 cm/s.
  • Frequency : 10 Hz to 1 KHz.
  • Meet ISO2954, Data hold, Memory (Max., Min.).
  • DC 1.5 V Battery (UM-4, AAA) x 4 PCs.

Specification Lutron PVB-820 Pen Vibration Meter :

CV. SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA adalah distributor dan Supplier Lutron PVB-820 Pen Vibration Meter di Jawa Barat dan juga menjual Brand Lutron  diantaranya Lutron SL-4035SD, Lutron WAC-2019SD, Lutron VT-8204, Lutron DO-5512SD, Lutron O2H-9903SD, Lutron AM-4307SD, Lutron LM-8000A, Lutron DT-2236, Lutron CO2-9914SD, Lutron MO-2013, Lutron DW-6163, Lutron EMF-827, Lutron HT-305, Lutron FC-2500A, Lutron LCR-9183, Lutron COH-9902SD, Lutron PMS-714, Lutron DI-6400, Lutron CM-6155C, Lutron DM-9961 dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini  KMT,SGI, SMG & JSI atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp (0813-9895-5475) atau via email [email protected].

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