Product Description
Misol WH5302 Wireless Weather Station
Misol WH5302 Wireless Weather Station is a weather measuring device from MISOL, a specialist manufacturer of weather measuring devices, with parameters such as Humidity and Temperature (Indoor and Outdoor) Wind speed and direction Rainfall Equipped with alarm, calendar and time display.
- Indoor temperature and humidity measurement.
- Outdoor temperature and humidity received RF.
- Wind chill, wind direction and precipitation received RF.
- Temperature unit: Cel. Degree / Degree F.
- Precipitation data (inches or millimeters): 1 hour, 24 hours, one week, one month and total since last reset.
- Wind speed (mph, m/s, km/h, knots, Beaufort).
- Wind direction display with 8 directions.
- Frequency 433 MHz
- Temperature Range: -40 – +65°C
- Accuracy: +/- 1˚C
- Resolution: 0.1˚C -9.9°C – 60°C (14 to +140 degrees F.)
- Resolution: 0.1˚C
- Accuracy: +/- 1˚C
- Humidity Range: 1% – 99%
- Accuracy: +/- 5% Range: 1% -99%
- Resolution: 1%
- Accuracy: +/- 5%
- Volume Rain Volume: 0 – 9999 mm
- Resolution: 0.3mm (if rain volume <1000mm), 1mm (if rain volume >1000mm)
- Accuracy: +/- 10%
- Air Pressure Range: 700-1100hPa (20.67-32.5inHg)
- Resolution: 0.1hPa (0.01inHg)
- Accuracy: +/- 3hpa
- Wind Speed 0-180km/h (0~110mph)
- Accuracy: +/- 1m/s (wind speed <5m/s), +/- 10% (wind speed >5m/s)
- Wind Circulation 0 to 359 degrees
- Light 0-200k Lux
- Accuracy: +/- 15%
- Measuring interval sensor 48 seconds 30 seconds
- Alarm duration 120 seconds
- Water proof level IPX3
SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA adalah distributor dan Supplier Misol WH5302 di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual BRAND MISOL diantaranya Misol WH5302 Wireless Weather Station, Misol Wireless Rain Gauge, dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini KMT,JSI,SGM atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456. atau via email [email protected] [email protected].
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