Product Description
Oxygen Concentration Content Tester CY-12C
CV. Syariftama Global Indonesia has a wide range of DO Meter, Oxygen products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..
Alat ukur konsentrasi gas oksigen dengan rentang 0-100%, 0-5-%, 0-1%
Ideal untuk keperluan Medis, cek tabung gas oksigen, keperluan Lab dan Riset
For analyzing the purity of oxygen in respirator machine of medical treatment and anesthesia
machine and oxygen concentrator and high-pressure oxygen house and the nursing case keeping infant.
Instrument sensor is electrochemistry diaphragmatic positron. It makes use of platinum negatron and silver and silver chloride as electrolyte.
Diaphragmatic material is polyethylene film which chooses the permeating oxygen .
Specification :
- Product Name: CY-12C digital oxygen measuring instrument
- Range: 0-100% 0-50% 0-1%
- Accuracy: 0.10%
- Use ambient temperature: -20~ 50 C
- Humidity: <90%
- Use: hand pinch suction type
- Resolution: 0.01%
- Response time: 10 seconds to indicate 90% of oxygen concentration (at 20 C)
- Power consumption: 4 mW
- Power: 6F229V laminated battery, can work for 500 hours.
- Affect the detection accuracy of interference gas: SO2, NO2, H2S 10% when the impact of the determination.
- Dimensions: 23x18x7cm/9.06×7.09×2.76in
SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA adalah distributor dan Supplier Oxygen Concentration Content Tester CY-12C di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual DO Meter dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini KMT , JSI, SGM atau hubungi kami melalui Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456. atau melalui email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected].
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