Rigol HPLC Modules L-3220 Binary Pump

Product Description

Rigol HPLC Modules L-3220 Binary Pump

L-3200 Series High Pressure Pump could reach 9000psi (62MPa) working pressure with the flow rate up to 10mL/min. This high performance extend the application field from normal HPLC to Fast HPLC. L-3200 serial high pressure pump provides isocratic, binary and quaternary model base on request: Isocratic pump for regular QA/QC usage, Binary pump for high-throughput & fast analysis, Quaternary pump for pharmaceutical, food and environmental test.

Features Rigol HPLC Modules L-3220 Binary Pump :

High Pressure Limit

High pressure up to 9000 psi and high analytical flow rates up to 10mL/min led to higher analytical efficiency.

High Flow Rate Precision

With the patented automatic solvent compression and compensation technology and meticulous calibration function, you can control the flow precisely.

Excellent Gradient Performance

Due to the innovative gradient system design, excellent gradient response can be achieved in any cases.

Lower Pressure Pulsation

Unique pressure feedback pulsation suppression technology and repeatedly optimized cam motion curve, made the pressure pulsation decrease significantly.

Double Plunger Design

Higher infusion precision and lower fault rates with precision manufacturing artificial sapphire plunger rod and series design.

Patented Technologies

Strong R & D team and industry-leading technical strength, all products are self-developed, with a number of patented technologies

Specification Rigol HPLC Modules L-3220 Binary Pump :

Flow Rate Range 0.001 ml/min – 10.000 ml/min (Increment 0.001ml/min)
Flow Rate Accuracy + 0.5% (@ 1ml/min, water)
Flow Rate Precision < 0.1% (@ 1ml/min, water) (JJG)
< 0.07% RSD (@ 1ml/min, water) (ASTM)


Rigol HPLC Modules L-3220 Binary Pump –  Catalog


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