Product Description
Samyung GPS SEP 500
The SEP-500 EPIRB complies with CCIR, RTCM, COSPAS-SARSAT and GMDSS performance standards of
IMO with transmitting frequencies of 406MHz/121.5MHz.
The SEP-500 receives GPS information and it transmits more accurate distress position than the EPIRB
without GPS. This makes RCC(Rescue Coordination Center) perform prompt search & rescue operation. Fully GMDSS compliant
Global alert via COSPAS-SARSAT satellites
Exact location faster than standard
Next generation in marin safty electronics
Internal GPS allows position updates
Spesifikasi EPIRB samyung sep 500
- Housing material: Plastik ABS
- Strobe light: 21 kali per menit (min. 0,75 candela min)
- Suhu Operasional:
- Pengoperasian -20 ℃ ~ + 55 ℃
- Penyimpanan Suhu: -30 ℃ hingga + 70 ℃
- Baterai: Lithium – umur pakai 4 tahun
- Antenna: Antena cambuk Omnidirectional
- Operating hidup: Lebih dari 48 jam pada -20 ℃ / 80 jam pada + 20 ℃
- Berat: 1.5㎏
GPS Receiver
- Center Frequency : 1575.42MHz ±1.023MHz
- Antenna : Ceramic dielectric patch
- Characteristics: 16 channel ANTARIS 4 positioning engine
DOKUMEN: | Samyung GPS SEP 500 |
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