Product Description
Sanwa LCR700 LCR Meter
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Features :
- Measuring Frequency DC~100kHz
- Ls/Lp/Cs/Cp measurement with sub parameters (D/Q/θ/ESR)
- Automatically selectable L/C/R measurement
- Device Sorting mode
- Optical link USB interface(optional) : LCR-USB
- Data hold, Back light
Optional Accessories:
- SMD clip lead :CL-700SMD
- AC adapter:AD-30-2

SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA adalah distributor dan Supplier Sanwa LCR700 di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual BRAND Sanwa dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini KMT , JSI, SGM atau hubungi kami melalui Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456. atau melalui email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected].
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