Product Description
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Tenmars TM 183P Temperature/Humidity Meter
Tenmars TM 183P Temperature&Humidity Meter adalah peralatan yang sempurna untuk aplikasi industri, laboratorium, dan jenis lokasi kerja lainnya, karena chip sensornya yang sangat akurat yang mengukur kelembaban dan suhu relatif.
Tenmars TM-183P Alat ukur kelembapan mengukur kelembapan relatif, suhu udara, bola basah dan titik embun dengan memori 200; dilengkapi dengan meteran dan probe eksternal 1m
- Dual display of temperature and humidity.
- Select between different temperature scales (°C / °F).
- Simultaneously hold both temperature and humidity readings.
- Simultaneously hold both Maximum and Minimum and Average readings (MAX/MIN/AVG) with time marks.
- Relative subtraction value (REL) function.
- Alarm alert (SET) function.
- Auto-power off.
- DEW-POINT and WET-BULB temperature measurement.
- Stores up to 200 readings
- Display: Dual LCD screen. The maximum value on the primary display is 1999. The maximum value on the secondary display is 9999.
- Low Battery Indicator: When the LCD displays the symbol, please replace the battery.
- Sampling Rate: 1 sample per second.
- Power Supply: One 9V battery, NEDA 1604, IEC 6F22 or JIS 006P.
- Battery Life: 200 hours during consecutive use.
- Dimensions: 200 × 55 × 38 mm (W×W×H)(TM-183) 130 × 56 × 38 mm (W×W× H)(TM-183P)
- Weight: 200g (not including battery)
- Operating Temperature and Humidity:0°C ~ +60°C, Storage Temperature and Humidity: -10 to 60°C, Temperature Measuring Range: -20.0°C ~ +60.0°C (-4.0°F Humidity)
- Humidity Measuring Range: 1%~99%RH.
- Accuracy: Humidity : ±3% (20~80%RH,@25℃) ±5% (80%,@25℃)
- Temperature: ±0.8℃, ±1.5℉.
Tenmars TM 183P Â Datasheet
SYARIFTAMA GLOBAL INDONESIA adalah Supplier Tenmars TM 183P Temperature/Humidity Meter di Jawa Barat & Jakarta dan juga menjual Brand Tenmars dll. lihat produk kami lainnya di sini KMT,JSI,SGM atau hubungi kami lewat Whatsapp 0821-3010-0456. atau via email [email protected] [email protected].
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