Velp Scientifica™ RX3 Vortex Mixer

Product Description

Velp Scientifica™ RX3 Vortex Mixer

Basic vortex mixer with fixed stirring speed in touch mode.

Simplicity Above All :

  • Single, fixed speed operation, electronically controlled, 3000 rpm
  • Automatic start when tube is pressed onto the support

Reliable Operation :

  • Optimum resistance to chemicals from technopolymer casing
  • Excellent stability with zinc alloy base
  • Large, anti-slip rubber feet for staying in required position
  • IP 42 protection against particles and liquids
  • Designed for the longest lifespan and guaranteed by 3 years warranty

Specifications Velp Scientifica™ RX3 Vortex Mixer :

4.5 mm
100/240 V
Zinc Alloy, Technopolymer
165 x 150 x 130 mm
150 mm
IP 42
3000 rpm
15 W
165 mm
130 mm
2.7 kg
Vortex Mixer


Velp Scientifica™ RX3 Vortex Mixer

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