Vixen Telescope Astronomical Telescope SPACE EYE 70M

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Vixen Telescope Astronomical Telescope SPACE EYE 70M

  • Tabung optik: D=70mm F=700mm refraktor akromatik
  • Lingkup pencari: 5x20mm dengan kompas
  • Lensa mata: PL20mm(35x) dan PL10mm(70x) , Gunakan diagonal cermin secara bersamaan
  • Mount: Alt-azimuth dengan kontrol gerak lambat

Product Description

Vixen Telescope Astronomical Telescope SPACE EYE 70M

CV. Syariftama Global Indonesia has a wide range of Vixen products – search by type, or model, or filter by brand to find the one you are after. If you still can’t find it contact us..

Includes everything you need for fun observing the Moon.

The SPACE EYE 70M is simple to use and easy to carry. To set up, simply spread the tripod legs apart, place the telescope tube on the mount and tighten the thumbscrew.

Vixen Telescope Astronomical Telescope SPACE EYE 70M — Vixen Telescope Astronomical Telescope SPACE EYE 70M Vixen Telescope Astronomical Telescope SPACE EYE 70M

Specifications Vixen Telescope Astronomical Telescope SPACE EYE 70M :

  • Optical tube: D=70mm F=700mm achromatic refractor
  • Finder scope: 5x20mm with compass
  • Eyepiece: PL20mm(35x) and PL10mm(70x) , Use the mirror diagonal together
  • Mount: Alt-azimuth with slow motion control
  • Tripod: Legs adjustable from 70cm to 127cm in length
  • Accessories: Accessory tray, Mirror diagonal
  • Total weight: 3.1kg/6.8lb



Vixen SPACE EYE 70M Datasheet

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