Wintact WT900 Infrared Thermometer

Product Description

Wintact WT900 Infrared Thermometer

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Features Wintact WT900 Infrared Thermometer :

This infrared thermometer is used for measuring the temperature of the object surface, which is applicable for various
hot, hazardous or hard-toreach objects without contact safely and quickly.
This unit consist of optics, temperature sensor signal amplifier, processing circuit and LCD display. The optics collected the infrared energy emitted by object and focus ontothe Sensor. Then the sensor translates the energy into an electricity signal. This signal will be turned out to be digital shown on the LCD after the signal amplifier and processing circuit.

Specification Wintact WT900 Infrared Thermometer :

  • Kisaran suhu: -50 hingga 950 ° C
  • Akurasi: ±1,5% atau ±1,5%
  • Resolusi: 0.1°C atau 0.1°F
  • Pengulangan: 1% dari membaca atau 1%
  • Waktu respons: 500mSec, respons 95%
  • Respon spektral: 8-14 um
  • Emisstivity: 0.10~1.00 Dapat disesuaikan (0.95Preset)
  • Jarak ke ukuran tempat: 12: 1
  • Suhu operasi: 0 ~ 40 °C
  • Kelembaban operasi: 10 ~ 95% RH
  • Suhu penyimpanan: -20 ~ 60 °C
  • Catu daya: Baterai Alkaline atau NiCd 9V
  • Dimensi: Perkiraan. 175*100*50mm


Wintact WT900 – Datasheet

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