Peak Atlas DCA75 Pro Advanced Semiconductor Analyzer

Product Description

Peak Atlas DCA75 Pro Advanced Semiconductor Analyzer

  • Display component type (such as N-CH MOSFET, darlington transistor etc).
  • Display component pinout (such as drain, source, gate etc).
  • Display detailed parameter measurement.
  • Plot characteristics curves on your PC. (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP)

Features Peak Atlas DCA75 Pro Advanced Semiconductor Analyzer

  • Built-in graphics display (not backlit) to show detailed schematic of the component you’re testing as well as pinout and measurement data.
  • USB connectivity to allow curve tracing, data storage/retrieval and device matching on your Windows® PC (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP).
  • Single internal AAA alkaline cell for standalone operation.
  • Bipolar transistors (NPN/PNP inc Silicon/Germanium)
  • Darlington transistors (NPN/PNP)
  • Enhancement mode MOSFETs (N-Ch and P-Ch)
  • Depletion mode MOSFETs (N-Ch and P-Ch)
  • Junction FETs (N-Ch and P-Ch). Both symmetrical and asymmetrical types.
  • Enhancement IGBTs (N-Ch and P-Ch).
  • Diodes and diode networks (2 and 3 lead types).
  • Zener diodes (up to about 9V).
  • Voltage regulators (up to about 8V).
  • LEDs and bi-colour LEDs (2 lead and 3 lead types).
  • Low power sensitive Triacs and Thyristors (<10mA trigger and hold)

Specifications Peak Atlas DCA75 Pro Advanced Semiconductor Analyzer

 Parameter    Minimum   Typical  Maximum   Notes 
 Bipolar Transistors 
Measurable Current Gain (Hpe) Range 2 32000 2
HFE Accuracy (Hfe<2000) ±3%±5Hfe 2,8
Hfe Test Voltage (Vceo) 3.0V 9.0V 2
Hfe Collector Test Current 4.75mA 5.00mA 5.25mA
Base Current for Vbe Measurements 3.0mA 4.0mA 5.0mA
Vbe Accuracy ±1%±0.006V 8
Vbe Resolution 3.0mV 6.0mV
Vbe for Darlington Identification 0.95V 1.00V 1.80V 3
Vbe for Darlington (Shunted Types) 0.75V 0.80V 1.80V 4
Vbe Threshold for Germanium 0.55V
Acceptable Vbe 1.80V
Base-Emitter Shunt Threshold 50kΩ 60kΩ 70kΩ
Acceptable Collector Leakage 1.5mA 6
Leakage Current Accuracy ±2%±0.02mA
Enhancement Mode Vgs(on) Range 0.0V 10.0V 5
Depletion Mode Vgs(on) Range -5.0V 0.0V 5
Vgs(on) accuracy ±2%±0.02mA
Drain Current at Vgs(on) 4.75mA 5.00mA 5.25mA
Drain-Source voltage at Vgs(on) 3.5V 9.0V 5
Acceptable Gate-Source Resistance 8kΩ
IGBT Collector Saturation Threshold 0.40V 9
Pinch-off Vgs/off Range -10.0V 2.5V
Pinch-off Drain-Source Current 0.5μA 1.0μA 2.0μA
Turn-On Vgs/on Range -9.0V 2.5V
Turn-on Drain-Source Test Current 4.75mA  5.00mA 5.25mA
Vgs Accuracy ±2%±0.01V
Transconductance (ges) Range 99mA/V
ges Test Drain Current Span 3.0mA to 5.0mA
ges Accuracy (<20mA/V) ±5%±2mA/V
ges Accuracy (>20mA/V) ±10%±5mA/V
Thyristors and Triacs
Gate Trigger Test Current 8.0mA 10.0mA 12.0mA 7
Load Hold Test Current 10mA 15.0mA
Diodes and LEDs
 Diode Forward Test Current 4.75mA 5.00mA 5.25mA
 Diode Forward Voltage Accuracy ±1%±0.006V
 Acceptable Vf for a Diode @ 5mA 0.15V
 Vf for LED Identification 1.50V 4.00V
 Zener Diodes
Zener Voltage Range at 5mA 1.8V 9.0V
 Zener Voltage Range Below 5mA 9.0V  12.0V
Zener Diode Test Current 0.50mA 5.00mA 5.25mA
 Voltage Regulators
Input Test Voltage Range (Io<3.0mA) 1.10V 10.0V
 Input Test Voltage Range (Io<5.0mA) 8.0V
 Quiescent Current Range (Io) 0.00mA 5.00mA
 Quiescent Current Accuracy ±2%±0.02mA
 Dropout Voltage Range (Vpo) 0.00V 3.00V
Dropout Voltage Accuracy ±2%±0.02V
 Output Voltage Accuracy ±1%±0.006V
 Load Test Current 0.13mA 1.25mA
 General Parameters
 Peak Test Current into S/C -15.5mA 15.5mA 1
 Peak Test Voltage across O/C -13.5V 13.5V 1
Short Circuit Threshold 10Ω 20Ω 1
 Battery Type 1 x AAA, LR03, MN2400, Alkaline 1.5V
 Battery Voltage Range 1.00V 1.50V 1.60V
 Battery Warning Threshold 1.00V
 USB Current Consumption 500mA Peak Active ≤2mA sleep.
Dimensions (Body)  103 x 70 x 20mm


VIDEO PEMAKAIAN Peak Atlas DCA75 Pro Advanced Semiconductor Analyzer 


DOCUMENTS : Peak Atlas DCA75 Pro Advanced Semiconductor Analyzer


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